"And stand together, yet not too near together.
For the pillars of the temple stand apart, and the oak
Tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow"

- Kahlil Gibran
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Relationship-Marriage Counselling

Often, marriage deteriorates to the point of no return before partners even decide that something must be done. Even then, it’s hard to find the answer as to why. At this point, it’s common for the couple to try and fix something that’s been malfunctioning for a long time. This process of self-diagnosis can end in frustration and discouragement because of the relationship’s already very vulnerable state. Waiting does not help improve your marriage! Successful couples develop through a process of self-study, education, trust, respect, commitment, love, experience, forgiveness and sustained, healthy intimacy.

Love is not only a feeling; it’s a work in progress!

For information and booking please contact Leonardo:
Email: info@leonardotalpo.com
Mobile: +65-90880146



Pre-marital Counselling
When we were young, they never taught us about what a healthy relationship with ourselves and with others meant...